Pakenham Parish Council : Minutes 30th November 2022

Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 30th November 2022 at 7.30pm
Pakenham Village Hall

Present: Cllr Painter, Cllr Dorling, Cllr Bagnell, Cllr Davey, Cllr Palfrey and Cllr Sargent
Five Members of the public were in attendance. Mrs S Brown (clerk) took the minutes.

1 - Record Councillors' apologies for absence:-
Apologies received and accepted from Cllr Sidebotham.

2 - Declarations of interest: No declarations of interest received.

County Councillors Report: Cllr Hopfensperger did not attend and no report had been received.
Borough Councillors Report: Cllr Brown did not attend a report had been received which included: Winter Funding, Support for families in hardship, Housing consultation Great Barton, West Suffolk Annual report published.
Public Forum: A resident petitioned to move the 30mph speed restriction on Bull Road so that it aligns with the parish sign. Council briefly discussed with all in agreement in principal for the sign to be moved. The clerk to forward the details to County Councillor Hopfensperger to ascertain whether Highways would be amenable to move the sign.

4 - To consider the approval of the minutes of the last meetings:-
The minutes of the meeting held on 19th October 2022 and 26th October 2022 were approved to be signed as a true record.

5 - Reports arising from the previous meeting:-
i. Highways: The Clerk advised the next scheduled deployment of the ANPR at Upper Town is 28 November – 5 December 2022.
ii. Clerks Report: The Thermal Imaging Project, Pakenham had not been picked as a host however they will keep Pakenham's details if the locations change. The defibrillator at the Water Mill needs a software update I have arranged for CU Medical to collect and upgrade the device as soon as it is returned I will place back at the Water Mill, the Circuit website which lists locations of defibrillators has been updated. Dates for next year's meetings have been sent to the village newsletter for inclusion. Elections are taking place in May 2023, West Suffolk Council and SALC are holding an election briefing on 24 January which the Clerk will attend.

6 - Village Hall:-
i. To consider donation for heating of village hall to allow it to open for residents:-
The Clerk advised West Suffolk Council have a winter provision fund up to £5000 grant available to community groups with applications closing on 12 December, this information has been
forwarded to the Chair and Treasurer of the village hall. Cllr Painter advised the Water Mill is currently opening one day a week for residents. The Clerk to send details of the grants available to the Water Mill. Council briefly discussed and agreed no further action was needed.
ii. To consider films being shown in village hall: Cllr Painter advised it costs in the region of £120 to put on a film. Cllr Davey advised Great Barton have a film night and Cllr Dorling advised Ixworth also have a film night. Cllr Painter was happy to arrange a film to be shown in the village hall in January and February to see if residents would enjoy it. Council discussed Cllr Sargent proposed and seconded by Cllr Davey for Cllr Painter to investigate and in principal the Parish Council to subsidise a film evening.

7 - To consider review of:-
i. Allotments: Cllr Dorling had taken photographs of the overgrown hedge at the allotment, which has been circulated to Councillors and spoken to the resident. Cllr Dorling reported the overgrown hedge was very large and had been advised it would be very costly to cut back, in part due to lack of access. Council discussed and agreed for the clerk to write to homeowner of which the hedge was situated asking them to cut it back.
The clerk advised the allotments were fully subscribed with four on the waiting list.
ii. Grass & Hedge Cutting: Council discussed and all in agreement to continue using M&TJ's as they were very happy with their work.

8 - To consider donation request from Headway:-
Council discussed Cllr Davey proposed a donation of £50 seconded by Cllr Dorling all in agreement.

9 - To consider purchase of water boiler:-
Cllr Painter stated he had been advised the PCC were purchasing the water boiler. No further action needed.

10 - To confirm acceptance of 2022-23 National Salary Award:-
The Clerk advised the pay deal for 2022-23 had been agreed. Council briefly discussed and agreed acceptance of the salary award.

11 - To consider application for additional inscription to memorial Plot E2:-
Council discussed and all were in agreement to accept the additional inscription to the memorial on plot E2.

12 - Correspondence circulated:-
i. Regular SALC ebulletins – West Suffolk Council – Suffolk County Council – Sizewell C announcement of Government investment –
Bus Strategy – Suffolk resilience new website: Noted
ii. West Suffolk Council Annual Report & Annual Environmental Statement 2021-2022 - Noted
iii. West Suffolk Consultation on proposed changes to the West Suffolk Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2023-2024 - Noted
iv. SCC Rural Mobility Survey – The clerk to complete the survey
v. Email received from resident in regards mat on pavement – the clerk advised this had been resolved
vi. Email received from resident in regards installation of solar panels on house – the clerk had advised the resident to contact West Suffolk Council planning department for advice.
vii. Email received from resident in regards the reporting of a car left in cemetery car park West Suffolk enforcement had dealt with the matter – it was advised the car was no longer in the car park.

13 - Planning Applications for comment:-
DC/22/1803/VAR : The Dell, The Street
Variation of condition 2 of DC/22/0904/VAR to include amended plans received 17.10.22.
Council invited the residents in attendance who wished to give speak on the application to give their views which included:-
the lane to The Dell was not owned by the applicant but by the owner of Elmwood,
the applicant only had access over the lane to The Dell.
There were a number of conditions that require the owner of Elmwood's permission including the installation of a drain at the bottom of the lane to The Dell and the cutting back of the bank, permission which had currently not been sought.
The residents advised the foundations had been started and appeared to be in a different place to that stated on the plans.
Council discussed Cllr Dorling proposed the Council cannot approve this application as there appear to be errors on this planning application seconded by Cllr Bagnell a majority decision to object, Cllr Davey abstained.
It was agreed the Parish Council to write to the planning officer for this application under separate cover to bring to their attention the various items which the Parish Council believe will make this application invalid, Cllr Painter to undertake.
DC/22/1852/HH : Grimstone Cottage, Grimstone End.
Detached timber outbuilding.
Council discussed Cllr Sargent proposed no objection seconded by Cllr Bagnell all in agreement no objection.

14 - Finance Report:-
The third quarter against budget was circulated.
The current account held a cleared balance at 31 October 2022 of £15,808.73 with an uncleared balance of £14,325.61 after outstanding cheques had been paid and invoices on the agenda.
The deposit account held £16,647.19 at 30 April 2022.
i. To consider budget for 2023-2024:-
A draft budget document had been circulated to Councillors. The Clerk advised election costs had been received and circulated with £100 in budget and £2000 in reserves confirmed.
A laptop had been added to reserves of £800 as the current council laptop is now 10 years old and the battery no longer holds a charge.
The Clerk had produced 3 draft budgets with differing amounts added to the reserves for play equipment. Council discussed and agreed to an earmarked reserve of £11,500 towards the play equipment.
ii. To consider precept for 2023-24: Council all in agreement for a precept of £11,965 which equated to a percentage decrease of 2.67%, the Chair signed the application for precept.

To consider any payments to be made: All in agreement for the payment of invoices:-

Cheques raised:-
1754 M & TJ's grass cut October £228.00
1755 Clerks salary (including back pay from April 2022)and expenses £948.92
1756 HMRC Payment £207.40
1757 CPRE annual subscription £36.00
1758 C. Palfrey poppy wreath £25.00
1759 Headway donation £50 as agreed above £50.00
1760 Royal British Legion donation £25 as agreed at the parish council meeting of 19 October 2022 £25.00

15 - Councillors' reports and items for future agenda:-
Cllr Painter advised the parish council had used the Martin Room for refreshments after the blessing of the new memorial in the lawn cemetery. The clerk to ensure a payment of £30 is raised at the next meeting to the PCC. Cllr Palfrey advised he had been unable to attend the last meeting of the PVH & PFA but will be attending the next scheduled meeting. Cllr Dorling advised the driveway to the lawn cemetery car park needed some work, to place on next agenda. To place tree survey on next agenda. Cllr Painter asked for 'to consider subsidising Easter lunch for elderly residents of Pakenham' to be placed on next agenda.

16 - Date of next meeting:-
The date of the next scheduled meeting was confirmed as Wednesday, 18th January 2023 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.10pm

(Ref: 424-427)