Pakenham Parish Council : Minutes 17th August 2022

Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 17th August 2022 at 5pm
Pakenham Village Hall

Present: Cllr Painter, Cllr Dorling, Cllr Bagnell, Cllr Davey and Cllr Palfrey No Members of the public were in attendance. Mrs S Brown (clerk) took the minutes.

1 - Record Councillors' apologies for absence:-
Apologies received from Cllr Sargent and Cllr Sidebotham all in agreement to approve absences.

2 - Declarations of interest: No declarations of interest received.

3 - Public Forum: No members of the public in attendance.

4 - To consider the approval of the minutes of the last meetings:-
The minutes of the meeting held on 20th July 2022 were approved to be signed as a true record.

5 - Planning applications for comment:-
DC/22/1204/FUL : Maulkins Hall Farm, Fen Road.
Conversion and extensions to existing outbuilding to form dwelling with attached car port and garage.
Council discussed and all in agreement no objection to the conversion of the building as long as it meets the current local plan.

6 - To consider Thurston/Pakenham Footpaths:-
Three circular footpath routes had been received from Thurston, Council discussed and all happy with the routes.

7 - To consider any payments to be made: All in agreement for the payment of invoices:-

Cheques raised:-
1742 M & TJ's May grass cuts inv: 14677 hedge/verge cuts £408.00

8 - Councillors' reports and items for future agenda:-
Cllr Dorling has asked M&TJ's to cut back the bulge on the hedge at the Lawn Cemetery, the Clerk to check this has taken place. Cllr Painter and Cllr Dorling had met with the Highways Officer to look at the footpath on Church Hill. The Officer had stated the adaption could cost approximately £10,000. Highways would be unlikely to therefore carry this out. There was a possibility the Parish Council could arrange for a contractor to fix the issue. To place on next agenda.
Cllr Davey had responded to the Bridge Farm bridge 1088 email to Cllr Hopfensperger, Cllr Davey was thanked for this. Thanks to the resident of Langham for cutting back the grass at the triangle at Fen Road and the Crossroads at Upper Town. Cllr Palfrey reported the cemetery had no issues. Cllr Palfrey reported PVH & PFA to place more signage in the village hall car park as parking only for those using the village hall.

9 - Date of next meeting:-
The date of the next scheduled meeting was confirmed as Wednesday, 21st September at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 5.40pm

(Ref: 413-414)