Pakenham Parish Council : Minutes 20th October 2021

Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 20 October 2021 at 7.30pm
Pakenham Village Hall

Present: Cllr Painter, Cllr Dorling, Cllr Davey, Cllr Palfrey, Cllr Sargent and Cllr Sidebotham
Three members of the public were in attendance. Mrs S Brown (clerk) took the minutes.

1 - Record Councillors' apologies for absence: Apologies received and accepted from Cllr Bagnell.

2 - Declarations of interest: Cllr Painter in respect of item 11i.

County Councillor's Report:-
Cllr Hopfensperger was in attendance a report had been circulated to Councillors which included: Rachel Hood, Cabinet Member for Education, SEND and Skills at SCC (Column posted in EADT on September 21st 2021); Independent review highlights failings in some of Suffolk's SEND services; Showcasing Suffolk's environmental achievements as the UK hosts COP26; Suffolk's first 'healing woods' locations announced; New COVID testing centre to open in Bury St Edmunds; Work begins to replace street lights in Suffolk and save energy in the County; Youth focus Suffolk puts young people at the heart; HRH The Duke of Gloucester officially opens The Hold; Illegal cigarettes seized in Trading Standards crackdown; New Suffolk Recycling Centres online booking system improvements to deliver greater customer experience and Suffolk demonstrates commitment to Climate Emergency through Public Sector Leaders Group.
In respect of Pakenham Cllr Hopfensperger advised the Highways Officer to supply the exact wording for each of the large Thurston planning applications for traffic conditions, these will be sent to the Clerk. HGV's in general and their impact on parishes; the review was delayed due to Covid but will be launched at the end of this month. The questionnaire will be sent out to Councils to complete and will include the availability to give suggestions for example on signage and weight restrictions, could also ask the question will the Bunbury Arms junction be improved and highlight the A143 issues at junction and the crossing of the road to get to Ixworth. It was advised if a suggestion is made in regards weight restrictions on a road there needs to be given a suitable alternative route. Lorry routes were briefly discussed including could the weight limit could be lifted on the 1088. Cllr Hopfensperger highlighted that there was only a limited amount of monies which could be used to implement suggestions. A question was asked in regards HGV's coming through a conservation area, these areas tend to be related to planning rather than highways. Cllr Sidebotham advised a number of HGV's have been going through the village, Cllr Hopfensperger stated this could be referred to within the survey and could highlight possible damage to older properties.
Cllr Hopfensperger advised she was still chasing Highways for a site visit to inspect the area on Church Hill to make the area safer for pedestrians visiting the church. The locality grant form for monies towards the defibrillator had been completed and the clerk should hear confirmation within the week. Cllr Hopfensperger was thanked for the contribution towards the defibrillator for the Pavilion at the Playing Field.
The application for an addition to the definitive map had not yet gone before the committee but felt it may go before the next meeting. Cllr Hopfensperger advised receipt of an email from a resident in regards the Wednesday bus into Bury St Edmunds and the comments had been passed onto Passenger Transport. It was advised care had to be taken to keep this a viable route. Cllr Palfrey advised the majority of residents currently using this service would prefer a return time of 12/12.30pm.
Borough Councillor's Report:-
Cllr Brown did not attend and no report had been received.
Public Forum:-
A member of the public asked how as the land owner they can give their views in regards the possible addition of a footpath to the definitive map. Cllr Hopfensperger advised a report has been collated with everyone's views and this will go to the committee to give a recommendation to the member responsible. It was advised the representative of the landowners had been issued with the appropriate Schedule at a meeting of Pakenham Parish Council. The Clerk to send the member of the public the contact details of the Manager at the Rights of Way department at Suffolk County Council.

4 - To consider the approval of the minutes of the last meetings:-
The minutes of the meeting held on 22 September 2021 were approved to be signed as a true record.

5 - Reports arising from the previous meeting:-
i. Highways: Nothing further to add.
ii. Revision of Local Plan: Cllr Painter gave an explanation of the relevance of the matrix used by West Suffolk Council and how this would effect Pakenham. Pakenham would be defined as a Type A village, a village which has a limited range of facilities and services for example a pub, early years nursery, playing field and store with a post office. Council looked at the three possible sites of 'included housing' (approximately 85 houses) and possible 'deferred housing' (approximately 100 houses). Council discussed and agreed to set up a working group (Cllrs: Painter, Dorling, Davey and Palfrey) to look at a response ready for when the definitive document will be sent out for consultation, possibly next March 2022.
iii. Clerks Report: The defibrillator and two cabinets had been delivered and the Chair of PVH & PFA had been informed to arrange a day and time for them to be dropped off. Council all in agreement if needed the Parish Council were happy to pay the costs of installation. Plot F8 in the lawn cemetery had been reserved and the monies received. A thank you card had been purchased for the free use of a digger to help clear the allotment plot.

6 - To consider quote for cleaning of war memorial and update:-
The Chair had been contacted by a member of the PCC who advised they would try to obtain a quote for the cleaning of the war memorial in the church. Council discussed the possibility of adding a light over the war memorial. To place cleaning of war memorial and light on next agenda.

7 - To consider Queens Platinum Jubilee June 2022 working group report:-
Cllr Sidebotham reported she had made contact with various groups within the village, who in principal were happy to take part in the celebration including the lighting of a beacon. Council briefly discussed and asked if Cllr Sidebotham could find out what the Community Council, charity groups may be planning for the event. To place on next agenda.

8 - To consider donations to:-
i. British Legion: Cllr Dorling proposed a donation of £50 seconded by Cllr Palfrey all in agreement.
ii. PVH & PFA: Cllr Dorling proposed a grant of £2000 seconded by Cllr Palfrey all in agreement.

9 - To review the Internal Control Statement and Report:-
A copy of the internal control statement and report had been circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. All Councillors in agreement to review again October 2022.

10 - Correspondence: Circulated to Councillors emails from West Suffolk Council, SALC and Suffolk County Council
i. West Suffolk Council: Markets Review Survey – Noted
ii. Email from resident in regards bus service – Noted as discussed in item 3.
iii. Planning Act 2008 (as amended) Section 89 The Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 – Rule 9. Application by NNB Generation Company (SZC) Limited for an Order Granting Development Consent for the Sizewell Project. Notification of Procedural Decision relating to proposed order limit reductions – Noted.

11 - Planning Applications to comment:-
i. DC/21/1882/FUL The Dell, The Street.
a. one dwelling
b. single storey side & rear extension to existing dwelling (following demolition of existing extension)
c. raise roof of existing lobby
d. Detached cart lodge (following demolition of existing garage).
Council discussed Cllr Dorling proposed no objection seconded by Cllr Sargent and agreed by Cllr Palfrey and was carried. Two Councillors gave no comment.

ii. DC/21/1957/TPO 15 Manor Garth
one silver birch overall crown reduction by 2m & crown lift up to 3m above ground level.
Council discussed and all in agreement no objection.

iii. DC/21/1904/LB 1 Church Green, Church Hill .
internal changes to kitchen staircase & floor plan layout.
Council discussed Cllr Dorling proposed no objection seconded by Cllr Sidebotham all in agreement no objection.
iv. Enforcement Updates: None received.

12 - Finance Report:-
Bank balances; the deposit account held £10,146.18 at 30 April 2021.
Receipts received of £9.61 wayleave and £102 in respect of reservation of plot F8.
The current account held a cleared balance at 31 September 2021 of £23,858.86
after the invoices below and donations have been paid of £16,143.36.
To consider any payments to be made: All in agreement for the invoices listed to be paid.

Cheques raised:-
1705 SALC 6 months payroll inv:25195 £22.80
1706 Community Action Suffolk website provision £60 (paid online by Clerk) £60.00
1707 G Cranmer weekly inspections April – September £75.00
1708 Hanchets memorial safety inv:10209-H £2090.00
1709 I.C.O. annual subscription £40.00
1710 B.Johnson re-paint of kiosk £300.00
1711 Donation to the Royal British Legion £50 per minute ref:9ii £50.00
1712 Donation to PVH & PFA £2000 per minute ref:9i £2000.00

13 - Councillors' reports and items for future agenda:-
Cllr Painter advised the verge at Upper Town crossroads needed cutting to allow the 30mph sign to be seen, the clerk to report to Highways.
Cllr Dorling asked if a statement could be received from planning enforcement in regards 'Strathcona', the clerk to contact the planning department. Cllr Dorling to confirm the landowner of a hedge which needed trimming just before the A143, the clerk to ask the landowner if they could trim it back.
Cllr Palfrey advised the upper town crossroads triangle had been cut back recently and thanks were given to the member of the public for this. Cllr Palfrey advised he had been unable to attend the last village hall committee meeting and highlighted the village was very fortunate to have such a good Chair and Committee of the PVH & PFA. The clerk to send a thank you to the Committee and Chair for all their hard work and time given to the village.

14 - Date of next meeting:-
The date of the next scheduled meeting was confirmed as Wednesday, 17 November 2021.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.40pm

(Ref: 377-381)