Pakenham Parish Council : Minutes 23rd May 2019

Minutes of the Parish Meeting held on Thursday, 23rd May 2019
following the Annual Meeting in the Martin Room

Present: Cllr D Dorling Vice-Chair, M Bagnell, Cllr C Palfrey, Cllr B Sidebotham
Two members of the public were in attendance. Mrs S Brown (clerk) took the minutes.

1 - Election of Chairman:-
Cllr Dorling proposed Cllr Painter this was seconded by Cllr Bagnell all in agreement Cllr Painter duly elected Chairman.
i. Councillors signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office. Council agreed all Councillors not at this meeting to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office at the next meeting on 27th June 2019.

2 - Declarations of Interest:-
Cllr Sidebotham item 12i. Council were reminded of the need to complete the register of interest form within 28 days of the election.

3 - Record Councillors' apologies for absence:-
Apologies received and accepted from Cllrs: Painter, Davey and Sargent.

County Councillors report:-
Cllr Hopfensperger was not in attendance a report had been received at the Annual Parish meeting which included: Suffolk County Council 2019/20 budget approved, Superfast broadband coverage continues to grow, Carers celebrate top accolade with 'outstanding' rating from the Care Quality Commission, Suffolk wins praise at national Community Energy Awards 2018, Suffolk's roads warming to £300,000 thermal patching technology, Department for Education recognises outstanding performance by Suffolk students, green light to develop more specialist education placements in Suffolk, Suffolk wins £4.4 million for 'smart' streetlighting, Plug in Suffolk – the UK's first 'fully open' electric vehicle charging network, Suffolk successful in winning £1.725 million in extra funding for business broadband roll out, locality budget Cllr Hopfensperger was pleased to be able to support the purchase of the bench outside the village hall and also the installation of entry gates in Upper Town. Other local issues: Old Bury Road speeding, Flooding at the junction with the A143 the solution has been designed for the junction of Thurston Road/A143 Pakenham, Kebab Van update including response from the legal team at SCC, Church Road speed reduction Cllr Palfrey advised where the boundary between Pakenham and Thurston was, it was suggested Cllr Hopfensperger liaise with the Suffolk County Councillor for Thurston, Parking – The Fox investigating the option of H markings across the entrance, Fen Road patching has taken place in this area prior to re-surfacing. Cllr Bagnell stated the roadworks due to take place in July it should be made sure access is allowed for residents of Brand Road. Cllr Hopfensperger confirmed she had asked for tarmac on the footways to make it easier for those using mobility scooters to ensure a smoother transition as asked for at the last meeting of the Parish Council. It was asked about the new Highways community self-help service, this was explained and briefly discussed. Cllr Palfrey advised a resident had again cut back the overgrown hedgerow at the crossroads and had done a superb job, a letter of thanks to be sent. Cllr Hopfensperger confirmed the funding for the bus service on a Wednesday will continue. It was asked when street cleaning was carried out, it was advised West Suffolk carried this out every 8-12 weeks.
Borough Councillors report:-
Cllr Brown attended a short report was received which included: The first meeting has been held of the newly formed West Suffolk Council, John Griffiths elected as leader. The Conservatives have the most seats but only by eight. Councillors have now been assigned to various positions. There are a lot of new members including a lot of independents, nothing further to report. It is yet to be confirmed whether Councillors will receive a locality or community grant to use. Cllr Dorling advised the re-instated hedge on Mill Road is now non-existent and a gateway is again being used. This was briefly discussed and nothing further had been heard on the boatyard.
Public Forum:-
No one wished to speak.

5 - To consider the approval of the minutes of the last meetings:-
The minutes of the meetings held on 24th April 2019 were approved and signed as a true record.

6 - Appointment of Vice-Chairman:-
Cllr Sidebotham proposed Cllr Dorling as vice-chairman seconded by Cllr Palfrey, Cllr Dorling was duly appointed Vice-Chair.

7 - To confirm Representatives and Officers: All in agreement for the following appointments:-
i. PVH & PFA: Cllr Palfrey
ii. Pakenham Charities: Cllr Dorling and Cllr Palfrey
iii. Ixworth Patients Association: Cllr Sidebotham
iv. Tree Officer: Cllr Dorling
v. Footpath Officer: Cllr Sidebotham
vi. Allotment Officer: Cllr Sidebotham

8 - Reports:-
i. Outstanding Highway Issues: Nothing further to report
ii. Clerks Report: All allotment plots are rented. The children's defibrillator pads have been delivered and have been placed in the cabinet at the Village Hall. To note the new defibrillator at the Watermill has dual use defibrillator pads.

9 - Annual Reviews:-
i. Standing Orders: Council reviewed the standing orders and all in agreement no changes were needed.
ii. Financial Regulations: Council reviewed the financial regulations and all in agreement no changes were needed.
iii. Financial Risk Assessment: Council reviewed the financial risk assessment and all in agreement no changes were needed.

10 - To Consider Water Provision at Allotments:-
Council discussed the provision of water and costs involved including cost of connection and stand pipes it was agreed the cost to provide water was too expensive. Cllr Dorling advised the fence at the allotments needed new posts but due to the low cost of the rents Council would be happy to provide the posts if the allotment holders would like to carry out the work, Cllr Sidebotham to inform the allotment holders. Cllr Palfrey thought the container near the allotments is owned by the PVH & PFA but will check with the Chairman of the PVH & PFA and report back at the next meeting. Cllr Dorling to see if a contractor will take away the 'portaloo'. Cllr Brown to arrange the disposal of the paint pots which had been found when undergrowth had been cut back.

11 - Correspondence:-
To circulate: Clerks & Councils Direct and SCC Order 2019.
Two donation requests had been received:-
i. SARS: to place on next agenda
ii. EACH: to place on next agenda

12 - Planning: The Clerk reminded Council West Suffolk Council now operate a paperless planning system - Councillors can access planning applications on the planning portal of West Suffolk Council's website. The Clerk had downloaded the documents to be viewed by Council for the below application.
i. DC/19/0933/LB : The Old Shop, The Street.
Replacement of timber gates with new gates and brick & flint wall.
Council discussed and Cllr Bagnell proposed no objection seconded by Cllr Palfrey all in agreement.

Applications determined by Planning Authority: No applications determined by the planning authority had been received.

13 - Finance Report and to consider payments to be made:-
The deposit account held a cleared balance of £10,068.96 at 30.4.19.
The current account held a cleared balance of £26,080.91 at 30.4.19
this included receipt of the precept of £12,200, £1,664 donation towards the cost of the new Defibrillator and installation at the Watermill and £190 allotment rents.
i. To receive & consider Internal Audit Report: The internal audit report was read to Council no recommendations were required.
ii. To consider & approve end of year statement with significant variances and authorise Chair to sign on behalf of Council: All Councillors had received a copy, all Councillors in agreement to approve the end of year statement and authorise the Chair to sign which the Chair duly carried out.
iii. To consider & approve Annual Governance Statement Section 1 & authorise the Chair to sign on behalf of the Council: The Clerk read out the Annual Governance Statement to Council. All Councillors in agreement to approve and authorised the Chair to sign which the Chair duly carried out.
iv. To Consider & approve Accounting Statement Section 2 & authorise Chair to sign on behalf of Council: The Clerk read out the Accounting Statement to Council. All Councillors in agreement to approve the Accounting Statement and authorised the Chair to sign which the Chair duly carried out.
v. To Consider & approve exemption from the requirement for a limited assurance review & authorise Chair to sign on behalf of Council: All Councillors in agreement to approve the exemption from the requirement for a limited assurance review and authorised the Chair to sign which the Chair duly carried out.
Council were all in agreement for the payment of invoices to be made:
vi. To review insurance provision and payment of premium: Council reviewed the insurance provision and all in agreement insurance provision was adequate for the Parish Council.

Cheques raised:-
1609 Insurance Premium £378.27
1610 M Saunders £90 internal audit £90.00
1611 M & TJ's April grass cutting £120.00
1612 S. Brown (Wel Medical) children's defib pads £52.80
1613 PCC of Pakenham hire of Martin Room £20.00

No further invoices had been received.

14 - Councillors' reports and items for future agenda:-
Review of grass cutting on next agenda.
Cllr Dorling advised the bollard which had been placed at Church Green Wood in regards problems with parking had been damaged and has now been removed. Cllr Dorling to investigate and report back at next meeting.
Cllr Palfrey stated how disappointed he was that no one else had stood as Councillor for Pakenham Parish Council and thanked the Clerk for her work for the Council.
Cllr Sidebotham advised the sign for the pump in front of the Fox had disappeared, this was briefly discussed, it was felt the pump was owned by the Fox Cllr Brown to ask the owners.
Cllr Sidebotham highlighted all the new housing which were proposed for Thurston.

15 - Date of next meeting:-
The date of the next scheduled meeting was confirmed as Thursday, 27th June 2019 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.15pm

(Ref: 270-273)