Pakenham Parish Council : Minutes 22nd November 2017

Minutes of the meeting held on on Wednesday, 22nd November 2017 at 7.30pm
Pakenham Village Hall

Present: Cllr Painter (Chair), Cllr Dorling, Cllr Bagnell, Cllr Brookman, Cllr Palfrey and Cllr Sidebotham
One Member of the public was in attendance.
Mrs S Brown (clerk) took the minutes.

1 - Record Councillors' apologies for absence:-
Apologies received and accepted from Cllr Davey

2 - Declarations of interest: No declarations of interest received

County Councillor's report: Cllr Hopfensperger attended and gave a report which included; an update on the outstanding highway issues including a speed survey which has been ordered for Bury Road with data being used to ascertain whether traffic calming is needed. The patch on Fen Road is a catergory 7 issue as soon highways has a date for resurfacing this will be passed to the clerk. It was asked when highways carries out an inspection a copy of the report be given to the clerk. The classification of the roads was discussed. Cllr Hopfensperger advised the footpath officer had been chased to get the x2 finger posts replaced.
Cllr Hopfensperger updated Council on the kebab van on Bury Road advising the arranging for all the various agencies and relevant parties involved to join together for a meeting, possibly at West Suffolk House to discuss the matter and to come up with an action plan. Cllr Hopfensperger to advise the clerk of the meeting date.
The budget scrutiny meeting was scheduled for tomorrow with a proposal to raise council tax by 1.99% and a proposal to continue with the 3% rise for adult social care. The home to school transport a further paper going to cabinet beginning of December, if approved consultation will start mid- December. Cllr Sidebotham asked a question on speeding in Bury Road on behalf of a resident, Cllr Hopfensperger re-iterated she had already ordered a speed check for Bury Road. Council had a brief discussion on speeding and signage and agreed to talk about item 6 on the agenda while Cllr Hopfensperger was still in attendance. Cllr Dorling queried a house being sold on Fen Road which was possibly owned by Havebury and why it was being sold, Cllr Hopfensperger to look into it.

Borough Councillors report: Cllr Brown did not attend and no report had been received. Cllr Hopfensperger gave a brief report on St Edmundsbury Borough Council they had purchased the post office building in the Butter Market and are looking at their options as the façade is listed but the rest of the building is not. Currently they are looking at various options within the Master Plan. Confirmed the purchase of the DHL building and they have received the go ahead for a single Council with the next stage looking at the Governance statement. A resident asked a question on the bus station; within the Master Plan the bus station would no longer be needed with the bus stops moved up St Andrews street but this has not been finalised.

Public Forum: The resident highlighted pot holes on Fen Road and advised he had reported them on line and been informed they would be filled.

4 - To consider the approval of the minutes of the last meetings:-
The minutes of the meeting held on 25th October 2017 were approved and signed as a true record.

5 - Reports arising from previous meeting:-
i. Outstanding Highways Issues and kebab van: Previously dealt with as above.
ii. Clerks Report: A planning application was received on Monday which was too late for the meeting, an extension had been received to allow a meeting to be held on Wednesday 20 December at 6pm to allow Councillors to give their comments.

6 - To consider speed signage and Community Speedwatch:-
Council discussed speeding including the use of entrance gates and vehicle activated signage particularly at Upper Town both coming from Great Barton and going out of Pakenham. Cllr Hopfensperger would look at ordering an official 'Slow Children' sign for Upper Town as a number of children waited for the school bus in this area. Roundels on roads were briefly discussed. Cllr Brookman suggested the use of 'build outs' which he felt were very effective in slowing traffic. Council discussed whether to go ahead with gates or signage in the first instance and felt gates should be looked at first. Cllr Brookman asked the question that Council needed to ensure these measures at Upper Town were needed. Cllr Hopfensperger advised highways had installed dragons teeth in that area as there was an issue of safety following a number of accidents at the crossroads. Cllr Brookman stated Cllr Painter may have an interest as he lived in Upper Town, Cllr Painter did not agree with this. Council discussed the installation of gates. Cllr Hopfensperger advised the gates cost approximately £2000/2500 and would be able to fund half the cost this financial year or after April would be able to fully fund their installation from the locality budget. Cllr Dorling proposed installation of entrance gates coming up from Ixworth but waiting until after April all in agreement Cllr Hopfensperger to order the works paid for from the locality budget and at no cost to the Parish Council.

7 - To consider quotes for maintenance works to kiosk on The Street:-
Cllr Sidebotham had received x2 quotes for £480 and £320 Council discussed and all in agreement to accept the quote for £320 from Bob Johnson Property Improvements the clerk to ask for the works to be completed probably in the Spring when the weather was better suited for the works to be done. To place use of kiosk on the January agenda.

8 - To consider mobile skate park:-
The Clerk reported on information received from Councils with skate parks and the costs involved. Council discussed and all in agreement not to go ahead as the costs made it too expensive. The clerk to inform the resident who had brought it to the Councils attention.

9 - To consider changing use of 'bowling green' area into allotments:-
A site visit had taken place, Cllr Davey had asked for the item to be placed on the January agenda all in agreement.

10 - To consider overgrown hedgerows within Pakenham: To place on the January agenda.

11 - To consider General Data Protection Regulations and appointment of Data Protection Officer:-
A report had been circulated to Councillors and the clerk gave an update from the seminar she had attended on data protection. Council discussed and all in agreement to register the Council's interest to use the DPO centre (category one at £150 for year one) as the Data Protection Officer, the clerk to also look to upgrade the operating system on the Council's laptop to enable all data to be encrypted.

12 - To consider Cherry tree near small allotments:-
Cllrs Painter, Dorling, Davey and Sidebotham had visited the site and reported trees in the area appeared to be in good health. Cllr Davey to contact land registry to ascertain who owned the small triangle of land. To place on the January agenda.

13 - To consider maintenance of fence at The Dell:-
Council discussed Cllr Dorling to ask for a quote for the work from M & TJs, to place on the January agenda.

14 - To consider applying for transparency grant funding:-
Council discussed all in agreement for the clerk to apply for transparency grant funding for year 2017-18.

15 - To agree meeting dates for next year:-
Provisional dates had been booked. Council discussed and agreed the meeting dates for 2018 as follows: All meeting dates on a Wednesday to commence at 7.30pm (except for the Annual Parish Council meeting which will follow the Annual Parish Meeting which begins at 7pm)
24th January, 21st February, 28th March, 25th April, 23rd May, 27th June, 25th July, 26th September, 24th October and 28th November.

16 - Correspondence:-
To circulate: Clerks & Councils Direct.
To note details of the Suffolk Minerals and Waste Plan had been previously circulated by email, a hard copy of the report can be viewed at Endeavour House.
A letter from a resident re outfall pool at Watermill had been received and was read to Council.

17 - Planning:-
No planning applications received for this agenda.
Applications determined by planning authority: None received.

18 - Finance Report & to consider payments to be made:-
The deposit account held a cleared balance of £6,741.87.
The current account held a cleared balance of £22,764.87 at 2nd October 2017 an uncleared balance after the invoices on the agenda have been paid of £16,342.07.
A copy of the third quarter against budget was circulated to Councillors.
i. To consider budget for 2018-2019 and precept: A draft budget with precept was circulated to Councillors. Council discussed and agreed with the provisional budget and precept, to place on January agenda for final confirmation.

Cheques raised:-
1547 HMRC payment £126.60
1548 M & TJs inv: 12359 £240
1549 Tall Trees inv £1755
1550 CPRE subscription £36
1551 Clerks salary and expenses (£77.95) £584.65

No further invoices had been received.

19 - Councillors' reports and items for future agenda:-
Cllr Sidebotham advised the dog waste bins were getting full again, the clerk to advise St Edmundsbury.
Cllr Palfrey advised he was not informed of the allotment site visit, Cllr Painter apologised and was happy to go again with Cllr Palfrey.

20 - Date of next meeting:-
The date of the next scheduled meeting was confirmed as Wednesday, 20th December 2017 in the village hall at 6pm

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.15pm

(Ref: 213-216)