Pakenham Parish Council : Minutes - 14th December 2007

Minutes of the meeting held 7.30pm Friday 14th December 2007
In the Martin Room in the Church

Present: Cllr H Painter (Chairman), Cllrs D Dorling, N Farthing, M Sargent & A Kibbel & M Bryant. Mrs M Gardiner (Clerk) was also in attendance. Several members of the village were present.

1 - Apologies for absence: Cllr R Griffin & Borough Councillor C Spicer..

2 - Declarations of Interest:-
Cllr Dorling declared a personal interest in planning application SE/07/1862 below and left the meeting during the voting.

3 - Planning applications:-
SE/07/1795 – Coach House, Stow Road, Ixworth.
Erection of store building & change of use of part of bus depot to garden cartilage.
Also – amendment to above – revised site plan.
Councillors agreed that they had no comment to make on this proposal as it was outside Pakenham’s parish boundary.

SE/07/1862 – Site opposite Roses Roost, Bailey Pool Lane, Pakenham.
Construction of ménage & provision of associated low level lighting.
Councillors discussed this proposal at some length and took note of the opinions of local inhabitants. They unanimously agreed to object to the application on the following grounds:
We assume that that a pervious material will be used for lining and that ground levels will not be altered. as local knowledge suggests that if flooding occurs there will be a problem on the site. We are particularly concerned about the lighting which we feel will be a nuisance to neighbours and we would draw your attention to the neighbouring properties to the rear of this site.  The lights specified will not light the ménage without glare.  

Applications granted:-
Land to rear of Garden House, Fen Road.
Water Mill Farm
Mere Farm – chicken farm. It was noted that this application had been granted without the 106 agreement that Councillors had requested. The Clerk was asked to write to the Planning Dept to point out this omission.

Application withdrawn:-
SE/07/0917– Mr T Anderson.
Land off Broadway, Grimstone End.
It is understood that Mr Anderson will be putting in another application in the near future.

4 - Clerk’s report: none.

5 - Finance – budget for 2008/9:-
After considerable discussion parish estimates, as sheet attached, were agreed unanimously by all Councillors. The Chairman and Clerk signed the application for Parish Precept, which will be sent to St Edmundsbury Borough Council. It was agreed that the cheques listed in the Finance Report should be signed. Clerk to contact CCAS Health & Safety to say that the Council wishes to go ahead with a formal risk assessment.

6 - Amended date of next meeting:-
Monday 7.30pm 14th January 2008 in the Martin Room, St Mary’s Church, Pakenham.